Sentinel Missile Documents

Sentinel Missile Artist Rendering

Sentinel Missile - Artist Concept

Given the early stages the Sentinel missile is currently in regarding its development and production, there are a small number of documents available on the LGM-35A missile.

Below you will find the Environmental Impact Statements, EIS, both in the draft and final form.

These Environmental Impact Statements were created by the Air Force, and contain a significant amount of information on the Sentinel missile and the weapon system and supporting structures involed with the missile and what the Air Force understands needs to happen, as they move forward with preparing for the emplacement of the Sentinel missiles.

The U.S. Air Force has prepared these Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) to analyze the potential effects on the human and natural environments from (1) deployment of the Sentinel missile (GBSD) intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) system and (2) decommissioning and disposal of the Minuteman III (MMIII) ICBM system.

Sentinel Missile Draft EIS Statements

Sentinel Missile Final EIS Statements