The Montana Perimeter Acquisition Radar Site is approximately 60 miles north of Great Falls, Montana. The author of this website has visited the PAR site three times. The first was in 2007, the second in 2009 and my last visit was in 2014. Photographs and videos do not do justice to how immense this site truly is. In taking in the thickness of the concrete walls, combined with the massive rebar used throughout the structure, the site simply leaves you astounded.
The rebar used is close to 2 inches in diameter. In getting a perspective of the massiveness of the immensely thick concrete doors on the south facing walls, one clearly sees that this building was built with the intention of creating a structure that was solid and protecting the equipment housed inside. The north facing wall where the antenna would have been located, the walls are close to, if not 4 feet thick. That is some serious concrete.
The photo above is of the north west corner of the PAR building. This photo was taken in 2014. With each year visiting the PAR site, the graffitti continues to grow. A great deal of the graffitti added is fairly lewd and profane. Unfortunately, this takes away from the building itself. It is amazing that one would think that giving themselves 3 to 4 hours to explore this site would be sufficient. It simply is not. There is just so much to take in, and again, when you are physically present at this site, you are truly awestruck by the immensity of this building.
The photo above is one of the better photographs of the ceiling inside the PAR building. There were so many intriguing recesses in the ceiling and a number of features that really instigated a number of questions on what the heck those features were going to be used for. Note the bank of conduit structure in the center of the photo on the ceiling. While on the uncompleted second floor of the building, one will discover numerous conduit openings that would have allowed a massive amount of electrical wiring to be routed from one floor to the next floor of the building, when the construction would have been completed.
If a person decides to visit this site, they truly need to give themselves a minimum of 2 to 3 hours to explore. Having 4 to 5 hours would be ideal.
Below are two photographs of a pair of cars that were abandoned inside the PAR building, in the location where the freight and personnel elevators would have been located. These photographs were taken in 2009. Neither of these cars were there in 2007, and when this author visited again in 2014, there were no sign of either of the cars.
It was sad to see such a senseless act of dumping both cars in this PAR building. However, given the Chevrolet Chevette was one of the worst cars ever built by Chevrolet, it was a fitting end and death for this car.
If only one could have a time lapsed video of all the visitors the PAR site has received over the years. It appears to be mostly young adolescents from the Conrad, Montana high school, based on the accumulation of graffitti that can be found there.
One pipe dream by this author is to purchase the PAR site and have a sand blasting company remove all of the graffitti.
In the interest of keeping this page's load time minimal given the number of photos, if the reader would like to see additional photos of the Montana PAR, as well as a collection of videos taken at the Perimeter Acquisition Radar site, please follow the link below.