Launch Control Center Interior

Launch Control Center Blast Door

Launch Control Center Blast Door - Starting With A Rebar Frame

The Launch Control Center houses two launch control officers, a myriad of equipment, computers, radios, printers and other components essential to monitoring and maintaining a constant readiness over the 10 Minuteman missiles assigned to that specific LCF/LCC.

The LCC, also referred to as the Launch Control Capsule, is designed to provide maximum protection for the missile combat crew. As stated previously, the LCC is at least 40 to 60 feet underground, and the capsule sits inside suspended in the structure that contains the LCC.

There are four huge shock absorbers situated in each corner of the LCC, designed to absorb the shock of a nuclear blast to the Launch Control Center, in the event of an attack. This systems makes it possible to provide the crucial protection of the essential two person missile combat crew, as well as the computers and other equipment necessary to enable a successful launch, should the crew be given the authority to do so.

Launch Control Center Shock Absorber

Launch Control Center Shock Absorber

LCC Rebar Frame

LCC Rebar Frame Nearly Completed

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Launch Control Center Concrete Poured

LCC Frame With Concrete Poured

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The image above and to the left shows the rebar frame nearly completed, in constructing the Launch Control Center.

The image above and to the right shows the Launch Control Center in the construction phase, after the concrete has been poured around the rebar frame.


Launch Control Center Bed

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Launch Control Center Escape Hatch

LCC Escape Hatch

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There are numerous components and pieces of equipment worth discussing. For further discussion on the interior of the Launch Control Center, and its essential pieces of equipment, click on the link below.